

Audun Ase
January 13, 2021

Here we go! If you've visited Affex before you know that last time around, the site turned into a bit of a rotten potato. The Affex journey started back in 2010, with the goal of creating a website that I could share things that I learned inside Houdini, or just write about any topic that I'd find interesting. since then, the art of visual effects has grown into a life long obsession. As we grow and learn as people, our old work becomes stale and no longer does the job we once intended for it. This is why I've redone this site all over again.

A new coat of paint

The Affex Relaunch

With my passion and wild ambition I have always aimed for the stars. I wanted Affex to be this glowing hub of rock solid Houdini and FX resources. All without considering the fact that I had a mountain of stuff to learn in order to be able to create the kind of work I saw my peers and mentors creating around me. And what naturally follow, is an overwhelm of unrealistic expectations that I can't possibly hope achieve. Which then turns to inactivity.

I'm a strong believer in teaching what you learn, regardless of your current level. There's always going to be people in front of you, and people behind you. It doesn't matter if your art is not as great as the art you see around you. It has taken me quite a while to understand and appreciate this, but I feel that maybe now after a couple years of industry experience on real productions. I can move forward with a focus on what I CAN teach.

With all that luggage out of the way,

I'd like to welcome you to my new site. As before, I'll be sharing things I learn, and things I don't want to forget. My goal is to keep most posts fairly free form and to the point to make them slightly easier to create, and then once in a while do more detailed posts on topics of particular interest. At launch, I've created a few smaller posts like Store Selected, and the Houdini Animation Ramp entries that are up now. On occasion though, I wish to create more advanced posts covering topics more in depth.

In the past, I've always used heavily modified wordpress themes and templates to get as close as possible to my goals. This time however, I wanted a fresh page entirely custom made. The fantastic Louis Saville has helped me design the pages you currently see. I found him looking for a designer on dribble. His work stood out immediately for his modern designs, with clean and readable content. It was a pleasure working with you, the site looks amazing thanks to your designs!

With some time and effort, I hope this site could be helpful to you as an artist and maker!

Here's a couple things we've got going on,

Short form references

The Vault Manual

The vault manual is another thing I'm pretty excited about having re-done. I use it as a place to paste snippets and make notes of things I do often. You'll find some vex snippets you can copy and use directly in Houdini. I'm adding more to this as I go along to turn it into a great place to pick up some tips and tricks.

Check it out here.

Let's stay in touch

The Affex Community

I used to do some streams a few years ago, and during those I decided to create a Discord channel for anyone interested in chatting about Affex, Houdini or anything you want. It's been a little quiet lately, but I'm hoping that we can start anew as I launch this site. I see everything posted there so it's a great place to ask questions etc..

You can join the channel here:

Get notified

The Affex Newsletter

There's also an Affex newsletter that you can join i you want to be updated on any posts I do in the future. I won't spam you with anything I wouldn't want to receive myself! Great way to stay in touch. Just scroll down and type in your email if you are interested.

I got a few social channels you can use as well to stay up to date, but I'm honestly a little fed up with most of the social media platforms out there. I'll still post when I update Affex, but I'll keep it to a minimum.

That's it!

Thank you for checking out my page, I hope you find something useful while you're here.

Audun out...

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